Posts tagged Family
Why Regular Rest and Soul-Care Are More Important Than Going on A Vacation

Our family recently returned from a glorious beach vacation. It was probably the best vacation we’ve had post-kids. It was sunny, restful, and our kids actually slept well (What? Who ARE these kids?) But the week revealed something important to me… while vacations are lovely, they are not as important as REGULAR times of rest.

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10 Tips To Help You Through a Tough Move

Research shows that moving is considered to be one of the top five most stressful life events. And if you have ever moved, (especially cross-country) you are probably nodding your head in agreement. Stressful isn’t the right word to explain a big move. It feels more like a trauma – especially the tough moves that call us to leave the places we love.

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How To Make Your Home a Sacred Space This Holiday Season

What makes some spaces feel more sacred than others? I am writing this as we head into the holiday season. Since I am a future oriented, I tend to wonder what the holidays will look like in the future. Right now my babies are with me all the time. Even though it is hard to imagine now, someday my girls will grow up and leave the nest. My hope for my own family is that I create a home that they want to come back to once they are grown and gone.

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